Brian C. Padgett, Con Man, Morally Bankrupt, Allegedly Buys “Nasty”
Natalie Lieberman a 2016 BMW

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(Please click on image to see full size)

A CALL FOR TRANSPARENCY: Brian C. Padgett claims a lot of things that clearly aren’t true. He has scammed senior citizens (ages 69 and 75) of more than a million dollars. He lies, and he’s clearly a two-faced scumbag with no morals. He is the very definition of a morally bankrupt con man.

Padgett’s list of financial victims goes on and on. I pledge to do billboards and mailings about this con man and his duplicity in the overdose and death of Katie Howard. I am truly disturbed about how a cocaine-using attorney, who admits his crimes to law enforcement, can still walk the streets. Additionally, how he has been able to hold any sort of license for marijuana on any level is totally confusing. My quest for seeking answers will continue.

For example, how are Brian C. Padgett and his supposed girlfriend, *“Nasty” Natalie Lieberman, 45, able to afford a 2016 BMW 235i convertible coup? They just acquired it in the past 30 days as you can see from the temporary tags in the photo above.

(*I call her Nasty Natalie because of her personal behavior that I have first-hand knowledge of. Her birthplace, according to her passport is Azerbaijan.)

Padgett is a man who, according to court documents, owes an estimated 100 debtors $50 million. Padgett also had his own BMW repossessed (see our story: Padgett X5M BMW Repossessed), and the property housing his law office is in foreclosure. Up until this point, Padgett has been seen only driven around by Laurel Cruz and occasionally Connie Little. With the BMW acquisition, Nasty Natalie Lieberman must be his own live-in chauffeur.

Nasty Natalie, who lives in Toronto, Canada and Brooklyn, New York (and who, during my review while spending a great deal of time with her, and based on her statements to me in a recorded conversation) has no visible means of income.

So how can this couple afford a 2016 BMW 235i convertible coup? I mean given the backgrounds of these two, who would approve that?

Let’s check this stuff off just to make sure you’ve got it down:
$50 million in debt
Some 100 debtors
BMW X5M repossessed
Girlfriend who admitted to no documentable income
Newly acquired 2016 BMW

How does that happen? Seriously?

I know plenty of people who don’t have anywhere near that amount of debt weighing them down who could never qualify for a loan or a lease for a BMW 235i convertible coup.

The BMW is in Nasty Natalie’s name, who has no verifiable, visible income suggesting that she might be able to afford a car like that.

When are people – particularly in law enforcement – who know about this man, his actions, his criminality, his irresponsibility, and his deceit going to wake up and smell the coffee, if not the stench from Padgett himself?

How does this guy keep getting away with this stuff? I’m looking for answers.