Brian Padgett, Nevada State Bar No. 7474, Gets Blasted in Public in a Restaurant by a Former Employee With “Nasty Natalie” at His Side –

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Viewer note: This video has some very strong language. Viewer discretion advised.

Brian Padgett: Coward (in my humble opinion)

You can’t hide, Brian Padgett. Especially when you “hide” in plain sight in a public restaurant. I’m not sure how you have the stones to show your face publicly after everything you’ve done. (For those new to this website, please scroll through the posts to get an idea of the dirty deeds this Las Vegas lawyer has done. How he hasn’t been disbarred yet is beyond me.)

Brian Padgett’s cowardly acts were recently called out by former employee Christopher Carlough. Carlough, a former employee of Padgett’s at CWNevada, bumped into him at a restaurant and proceeded to go on a rant against Padgett and filmed it all on his phone. Priceless stuff. We think the video speaks for itself. By the way, we have full permission, in writing, from Carlough to use this video. It’s presented in it’s entirety, unedited at the top of this post.

You’ll notice that Padgett didn’t try to rebut Carlough or fight back until half of the restaurant staff came to try to quiet the disruption.

Attention Natalie Lieberman of Toronto, Canada, A K A “Nasty Natalie”: Brian Padgett did wake up with a dead girl, Katie Howard, who was someone’s daughter. Not only is Brian less than trash, to refresh your memory, go to the audio where Brian offers a man $100,000 to get rid of her body: Brian Padgett 911 Call. (BTW, “Nasty,” where did you get the money for the old BMW you’re driving?)